Boston, Massachusetts
CCP2014 will take place on the campus of Boston University.

All scientific activities as well as the welcome reception on Sunday, August 10 (5:30 – 7:30 PM) will take place at the George Sherman Union (GSU), 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. The registration desk opens at 1:30 PM, Sunday, August 10.
See maps and images below for directions to the GSU. The “T” symbol indicates stops for the Boston subway/streetcar system (above-ground streetcars on the Green B line running along Commonwealth Avenue through the campus of Boston University). The GSU is close to the BU Central stop. The GSU is within ~15 min walking distance from the recommended CCP2014 hotels/dorms (the Hyatt and 10 Buick Str residence hall indicated below).
View from Commonwealth Avenue outside the GSU.
After entering the GSU, take the stairs or elevator up to the second floor. The diagram shows all the rooms used for CCP2014 activities. Registration is in Stone Lobby.
Other maps showing Boston and the area around Boston University