William Detmold (MIT)
Dark Nuclei
We consider two-colour QCD with two flavours of quarks as a possible theory of composite dark matter and use lattice field theory methods to investigate nuclear spectroscopy in the spin J=0 and J=1 multi-baryon sectors. We find compelling evidence that J=1 systems with baryon number B=2,3 (and their mixed meson-baryon counterparts) are bound states – the analogues of nuclei in this theory. We discuss aspects of the novel phenomenology of such a dark nuclear sector.
Dark Nuclei I: Cosmology and Indirect Detection
By William Detmold, Matthew McCullough, Andrew Pochinsky. arXiv:1406.2276 [hep-ph].
Dark Nuclei II: Nuclear Spectroscopy in Two-Colour QCD
By William Detmold, Matthew McCullough, Andrew Pochinsky. arXiv:1406.4116 [hep-lat].